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Breath Alcohol Testing

A breath alcohol test is used to measure how much alcohol is in the blood. It is a reliable and ACCURATE measurement performed using a breathalyzer device very similar to those utilized by law enforcement. The device is capable of detecting even minute amounts of alcohol on the breath, including amounts lover than the 0.08% BAC legal limit.


While most Urgent Care centers do not perform breath alcohol testing for legal reasons, they are often called upon to perform testing as a request for employers who desire to ensure that employees are NOT impaired on the job. Common reasons include: pre-employment screening, post-accident, and reasonable suspicion.


The test is not invasive (not to be confused with a BLOOD ALCOHOL TEST) and merely involved the test subject blowing into a mouthpiece that is attached to the device. In many cases, the test takes minutes to perform and results are displayed on the device screen and/or can be printed out (depending on the type of test or device.)

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